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SQL server -: 1433
ftp-data -: 20/tcp File Transfer [Default Data]
ftp-data -: 20/udp File Transfer [Default Data]
ftp -: 21/tcp File Transfer [Control]
ftp -: 21/udp File Transfer [Control]
telnet -: 23/tcp Telnet
telnet -: 23/udp Telnet
smtp -: 25/tcp Simple Mail Transfer
smtp -: 25/udp Simple Mail Transfer




Mail transfer protocol-: 57/TCP

DHCP server-: 67/UDP

DHCP client-: 68/UDP

DHCPv6 client-:546/TCP,UDP

DHCPv6 server-:547/TCP,UDP




SFTP(simple file transfer protocol)-:115/TCP


Network time protocol-: 123/UDP


SQl services-:156/TCP,UDP

LDAp-:DHCPv6 server

989/TCP,UDP FTPS Protocol (data): FTP over TLS/SSL Official
990/TCP,UDP FTPS Protocol (control): FTP over TLS/SSL Official
991/TCP,UDP NAS (Netnews Administration System) Official
992/TCP,UDP TELNET protocol over TLS/SSL Official
993/TCP Internet Message Access Protocol over SSL (IMAPS) Official
995/TCP Post Office Protocol 3 over TLS/SSL (POP3S)

1-> download wsus 3.0 from microsoft web sites and install it on one win2003 server…………

Now the problem you will face are resolving here.

2->give the path of wsus server into th group policy with post number(NON SSL)

such As-:

3-> Command to run the wsusdetection on the client

c:\>wuauclt /detectnow

4-: This is script to check the that “which one is the targeted server for the client” just copy and past that code in a notepad file and save it with the name “wsus.vbs”. Now you can run this file on any of the client server on your network to check the targeted Wsus server by client…………

‘ Einstellungen für die automatischen Updates
‘ Version
‘ Translated quick and dirty into English Marco Biagini
On Error Resume Next

Set objWshNet = CreateObject(“Wscript.Network”)

const HKCU = &H80000001
const HKLM = &H80000002

strDefComputer = lcase(objWshNet.ComputerName)

Set oArgs = WScript.Arguments
If oArgs.Count = 0 Then
strComputer = InputBox(“Please enter the name or IP address of the Computer that you want to check WSUS settings”, “Automatic Updates”, strDefComputer)
strComputer = oArgs(0)
End If

If strComputer = “” Then
End if

strComputer = lcase(strComputer)
if left(strComputer,2)=”\\” then
end if

Set oReg=GetObject(“winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\” & strComputer & “\root\default:StdRegProv”)

If Err.Number <> 0 Then
msgbox “Unable to connect to:” & VBCRLF & VBCRLF & ”     ” & strComputer & VBCRLF, vbCritical, “Communication Error”
End If

Resultmsg = “**** Results of WUA Settings ****” & VBCRLF & VBCRLF

strMsg = “No Auto Update:  ”
strKeyPath = “Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate\AU”
strValueName = “NoAutoUpdate”
If RegValueExists(strKeyPath, strValueName) Then
oReg.GetDWORDValue HKLM,strKeyPath,strValueName,dwValue
Resultmsg = Resultmsg & strMsg & GetNoAutoUpdate(dwValue) & VBCRLF & VBCRLF
Resultmsg = Resultmsg & strMsg & “Automatic Updates are not configured” & VBCRLF & VBCRLF
End If

strMsg = “Use WU Server:  ”
strKeyPath = “Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate\AU”
strValueName = “UseWUServer”
If RegValueExists(strKeyPath, strValueName) Then
oReg.GetDWORDValue HKLM,strKeyPath,strValueName,dwValue
Resultmsg = Resultmsg & strMsg & GetUseWUServer(dwValue) & VBCRLF

If dwValue = “1” Then
strMsg = ”  – WSUS Server:  ”
strKeyPath = “Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate”
strValueName = “WUServer”
If RegValueExists(strKeyPath, strValueName) Then
oReg.GetStringValue HKLM,strKeyPath,strValueName,strValue
Resultmsg = Resultmsg & strMsg & strValue & VBCRLF
Resultmsg = Resultmsg & strMsg & “Automatic Updates are not configured” & VBCRLF
End If

strMsg = ”  – WU Status Server:  ”
strKeyPath = “Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate”
strValueName = “WUStatusServer”
If RegValueExists(strKeyPath, strValueName) Then
oReg.GetStringValue HKLM,strKeyPath,strValueName,strValue
Resultmsg = Resultmsg & strMsg & strValue & VBCRLF
Resultmsg = Resultmsg & strMsg & “Automatic Updates are not configured” & VBCRLF
End If
Resultmsg = Resultmsg & VBCRLF
End If
Resultmsg = Resultmsg & strMsg & “Automatic Updates are not configured” & VBCRLF
Resultmsg = Resultmsg & ”  – Client configured to receive Updates from” & VBCRLF
End If

strMsg = ”  – TargetGroup:  ”
strKeyPath = “Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate”
strValueName = “TargetGroup”
If RegValueExists(strKeyPath, strValueName) Then
oReg.GetStringValue HKLM,strKeyPath,strValueName,strValue
Resultmsg = Resultmsg & strMsg & strValue & VBCRLF & VBCRLF
Resultmsg = Resultmsg & strMsg & “Value not configured” & VBCRLF & VBCRLF
End If

strMsg = “AU Options:  ”
strKeyPath = “Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate\AU”
strValueName = “AUOptions”
If RegValueExists(strKeyPath, strValueName) Then
oReg.GetDWORDValue HKLM,strKeyPath,strValueName,dwValue
Resultmsg = Resultmsg & strMsg & GetAUOptions(dwValue) & VBCRLF

If dwValue = “4” Then
strMsg = ”  – Scheduled Install Day:  ”
strKeyPath = “Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate\AU”
strValueName = “ScheduledInstallDay”
If RegValueExists(strKeyPath, strValueName) Then
oReg.GetDWORDValue HKLM,strKeyPath,strValueName,dwValue
Resultmsg = Resultmsg & strMsg & getday(dwValue) & VBCRLF
Resultmsg = Resultmsg & strMsg & “Value not configured” & VBCRLF
End If

strMsg = ”  – Planned Installation Time:  ”
strKeyPath = “Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate\AU”
strValueName = “ScheduledInstallTime”
If RegValueExists(strKeyPath, strValueName) Then
oReg.GetDWORDValue HKLM,strKeyPath,strValueName,dwValue
Resultmsg = Resultmsg & strMsg & dwValue &”:00 – 24 hours 4:00 is 4 AM, 16:00 is 4 PM” & VBCRLF
Resultmsg = Resultmsg & strMsg & “Value not configured” & VBCRLF
End If
Resultmsg = Resultmsg & VBCRLF
End If

Resultmsg = Resultmsg & strMsg & “Value is not configured” & VBCRLF
strMsg = ”  – Benutzerdefinierte Einstellung:  ”
strKeyPath = “Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\WindowsUpdate\Auto Update”
strValueName = “AUOptions”
If RegValueExists(strKeyPath, strValueName) Then
oReg.GetDWORDValue HKLM,strKeyPath,strValueName,dwValue
Resultmsg = Resultmsg & strMsg & GetAUOptions(dwValue) & VBCRLF

If dwValue = “4” Then
strMsg = ”    – ScheduledInstallDay:  ”
strKeyPath = “Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\WindowsUpdate\Auto Update”
strValueName = “ScheduledInstallDay”
If RegValueExists(strKeyPath, strValueName) Then
oReg.GetDWORDValue HKLM,strKeyPath,strValueName,dwValue
Resultmsg = Resultmsg & strMsg & getday(dwValue) & VBCRLF
Resultmsg = Resultmsg & strMsg & “Automatic Updates are not configured” & VBCRLF
End If

strMsg = ”    – ScheduledInstallTime:  ”
strKeyPath = “Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\WindowsUpdate\Auto Update”
strValueName = “ScheduledInstallTime”
If RegValueExists(strKeyPath, strValueName) Then
oReg.GetDWORDValue HKLM,strKeyPath,strValueName,dwValue
Resultmsg = Resultmsg & strMsg & dwValue &”:00″ & VBCRLF
Resultmsg = Resultmsg & strMsg & “Automatic Updates are not configured” & VBCRLF
End If
Resultmsg = Resultmsg & VBCRLF
End If

Resultmsg = Resultmsg & strMsg & “Not configured” & VBCRLF
End If
End If

strMsg = ”  – NoAUShutdownOption:  ”
strKeyPath = “Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate\AU”
strValueName = “NoAUShutdownOption”
If RegValueExists(strKeyPath, strValueName) Then
oReg.GetDWORDValue HKLM,strKeyPath,strValueName,dwValue
Resultmsg = Resultmsg & strMsg & GetNoAUShutdownOption(dwValue) & VBCRLF & VBCRLF
Resultmsg = Resultmsg & strMsg & “Value not configured” & VBCRLF & VBCRLF
End If

strMsg = “AutoInstallMinorUpdates:  ”
strKeyPath = “Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate\AU”
strValueName = “AutoInstallMinorUpdates”
If RegValueExists(strKeyPath, strValueName) Then
oReg.GetDWORDValue HKLM,strKeyPath,strValueName,dwValue
Resultmsg = Resultmsg & strMsg & GetAutoInstallMinorUpdates(dwValue) & VBCRLF & VBCRLF
Resultmsg = Resultmsg & strMsg & “Value is not configured” & VBCRLF & VBCRLF
End If

strMsg = “DetectionFrequency:  ”
strKeyPath = “Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate\AU”
strValueName = “DetectionFrequency”
If RegValueExists(strKeyPath, strValueName) Then
oReg.GetDWORDValue HKLM,strKeyPath,strValueName,dwValue
Resultmsg = Resultmsg & strMsg &”Every ” & dwValue &” Hours to search for updates”& VBCRLF
Resultmsg = Resultmsg & strMsg & “Value is not configured”& VBCRLF
End If

strMsg = “RebootRelaunchTimeout:  ”
strKeyPath = “Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate\AU”
strValueName = “RebootRelaunchTimeout”
If RegValueExists(strKeyPath, strValueName) Then
oReg.GetDWORDValue HKLM,strKeyPath,strValueName,dwValue
Resultmsg = Resultmsg & strMsg & dwValue &” Minutes to wait until system restart”& VBCRLF
Resultmsg = Resultmsg & strMsg & “Value is not configured” & VBCRLF
End If

strMsg = “RebootWarningTimeout:  ”
strKeyPath = “Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate\AU”
strValueName = “RebootWarningTimeout”
If RegValueExists(strKeyPath, strValueName) Then
oReg.GetDWORDValue HKLM,strKeyPath,strValueName,dwValue
Resultmsg = Resultmsg & strMsg & dwValue &” Minutes wait until system restart”& VBCRLF
Resultmsg = Resultmsg & strMsg & “Value not configured” & VBCRLF
End If

strMsg = “NoAutoRebootWithLoggedOnUsers:  ”
strKeyPath = “Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate\AU”
strValueName = “NoAutoRebootWithLoggedOnUsers”
If RegValueExists(strKeyPath, strValueName) Then
oReg.GetDWORDValue HKLM,strKeyPath,strValueName,dwValue
Resultmsg = Resultmsg & strMsg & GetNoAutoReboot(dwValue) & VBCRLF
Resultmsg = Resultmsg & strMsg & “Value not configured” & VBCRLF
Resultmsg = Resultmsg & ”  – Default: User will be presented with a 5 minutes countdown” & VBCRLF
End If

strMsg = “RescheduleWaitTime:  ”
strKeyPath = “Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate\AU”
strValueName = “RescheduleWaitTime”
If RegValueExists(strKeyPath, strValueName) Then
oReg.GetDWORDValue HKLM,strKeyPath,strValueName,dwValue
If dwValue = “0” Then Resultmsg = Resultmsg & strMsg & “Value not configured: ” & dwValue & VBCRLF & VBCRLF End If
If dwValue = “1” Then Resultmsg = Resultmsg & strMsg & dwValue &” Minute” & VBCRLF & VBCRLF End If
If dwValue > “1” and dwValue < “61” Then Resultmsg = Resultmsg & strMsg & dwValue &” Minutes” & VBCRLF & VBCRLF End If
If dwValue > “60” Then Resultmsg = Resultmsg & strMsg & “Invalid Value” & dwValue & VBCRLF & VBCRLF End If
Resultmsg = Resultmsg & strMsg & “Not Configured” & VBCRLF & VBCRLF
End If

Resultmsg = Resultmsg & “; & VBCRLF & “The code implemented by Manish Kumar for more informetion checkt the website given above.”

MsgBox Resultmsg,,strComputer

set oReg = nothing

Function GetNoAutoUpdate(Index)
Select Case Index
Case 0 GetNoAutoUpdate = “0 – Auto Update applied by GPO”
Case 1 GetNoAutoUpdate = “1 – No Auto Update is applied by GPO”
Case Else GetNoAutoUpdate = “Invalid Entry”
End select
End Function

Function GetUseWUServer(Index)
Select Case Index
Case 0 GetUseWUServer = “0 – Client is configured to receive updates from”
Case 1 GetUseWUServer = “1 – Client is configured to receive updates from your WSUS Server”
Case Else GetUseWUServer = “Invalid Entry”
End select
End Function

Function GetDay(Index)
Select Case Index
Case “0” GetDay = “Every Day”
Case “1” GetDay = “Every Sunday”
Case “2” GetDay = “Every Monday”
Case “3” GetDay = “Every Tuesday”
Case “4” GetDay = “Every Wednesday”
Case “5” GetDay = “Every Thursday”
Case “6” GetDay = “Every Friday”
Case “7” GetDay = “Every Saturday”
Case Else GetDay = “Invalid Entry”
End select
End Function

Function GetAUOptions(Index)
Select Case Index
Case “0” GetAUOptions = “0”
Case “1” GetAUOptions = “1 – Deaktiviert in den Benutzereinstellungen”
Case “2” GetAUOptions = “2 – Notify before download and Install.”
Case “3” GetAUOptions = “3 – Autom. Download, notify before installation.”
Case “4” GetAUOptions = “4 – Autom. Download, install according to GPO settings.”
Case “5” GetAUOptions = “5 – Allow Local Administator installation and manual configuration.”
case Else GetAUOptions = “Invalid Entry”
End select
End Function

Function GetNoAUShutdownOption(Index)
Select Case Index
Case 0 GetNoAUShutdownOption = “0 – ‘Updates are being installed and system will be restarted’ user ill be notified”
Case 1 GetNoAUShutdownOption = “1 – ‘Updates are being installed and system will be restarted’ user will NOT be notified”
Case Else GetNoAUShutdownOption = “Invalid Entry”
End select
End Function

Function GetAutoInstallMinorUpdates(Index)
Select Case Index
Case 0 GetAutoInstallMinorUpdates = “0 – Automatic updates are not immediately installed”
Case 1 GetAutoInstallMinorUpdates = “1 – Automatic updates are immediately installed”
Case Else GetAutoInstallMinorUpdates = “Invalid Entry”
End select
End Function

Function GetNoAutoReboot(Index)
Select Case Index
Case “0” GetNoAutoReboot = “0 – User Countdown of 5 Minutes”
Case “1” GetNoAutoReboot = “1 – User will be notified before a system restart”
case Else GetNoAutoReboot = “Invalid Entry”
End select
End Function

Function RegValueExists(sRegKey, sRegValue)
sRegKey = Trim(sRegKey)
sRegValue = LCase(Trim(sRegValue))
‘ init value
RegValueExists = False
If oReg.EnumValues(HKLM, sRegKey, aValueNames, aValueTypes) = 0 Then
If Not IsNull(aValueNames) Then
For i = 0 To UBound(aValueNames)
If LCase(aValueNames(i)) = sRegValue Then
RegValueExists = True
End If
End If
End If
End Function

Function RegKeyExists(sRegKey)
sRegKey = Trim(sRegKey)
If oReg.EnumValues(HKLM, sRegKey, aValueNames, aValueTypes) = 0 Then
RegKeyExists = True
RegKeyExists = False
End If
End Function


Manish Kumar

To know the domain Name availability

To know the detail of existing domain names.

IP locater web link

Site verification

Stop badware site

Symantec already blocked due to Trojan Horse.

Also these IPs are blacklisted by SBL.

I have re uploaded all the files on my site from clean source files. I have looked through every files and removed any malicious software. I have done scans of all my files using three different Malware scanners.

Here is one of the results of a scan:

Test Virus SIte….

Policy Document Site

Linux based Web Server-ubuntu

Free DNS service

DNS Hosting, Dynamic DNS and Domain Management with Zoneedit – the Original DNS Provider

If you do not have a static IP address (i.e. your ISP provides you with a dynamic address which changes frequently) then you can use one of a number of free services that map your dynamic IP address to your domain name. One such service is provided by


Download hindi Font

  1. How do you double-boot a Win 2003 server box? The Boot.ini file is set as read-only, system, and hidden to prevent unwanted editing. To change the Boot.ini timeout and default settings, use the System option in Control Panel from the Advanced tab and select Startup.
  2. What do you do if earlier application doesn’t run on Windows Server 2003? When an application that ran on an earlier legacy version of Windows cannot be loaded during the setup function or if it later malfunctions, you must run the compatibility mode function. This is accomplished by right-clicking the application or setup program and selecting Properties –> Compatibility –> selecting the previously supported operating system.
  3. If you uninstall Windows Server 2003, which operating systems can you revert to? Win ME, Win 98, 2000, XP. Note, however, that you cannot upgrade from ME and 98 to Windows Server 2003.
  4. How do you get to Internet Firewall settings? Start –> Control Panel –> Network and Internet Connections –> Network Connections.
  5. What are the Windows Server 2003 keyboard shortcuts? Winkey opens or closes the Start menu. Winkey + BREAK displays the System Properties dialog box. Winkey + TAB moves the focus to the next application in the taskbar. Winkey + SHIFT + TAB moves the focus to the previous application in the taskbar. Winkey + B moves the focus to the notification area. Winkey + D shows the desktop. Winkey + E opens Windows Explorer showing My Computer. Winkey + F opens the Search panel. Winkey + CTRL + F opens the Search panel with Search for Computers module selected. Winkey + F1 opens Help. Winkey + M minimizes all. Winkey + SHIFT+ M undoes minimization. Winkey + R opens Run dialog. Winkey + U opens the Utility Manager. Winkey + L locks the computer.
  6. What is Active Directory? Active Directory is a network-based object store and service that locates and manages resources, and makes these resources available to authorized users and groups. An underlying principle of the Active Directory is that everything is considered an object—people, servers, workstations, printers, documents, and devices. Each object has certain attributes and its own security access control list (ACL).
  7. Where are the Windows NT Primary Domain Controller (PDC) and its Backup Domain Controller (BDC) in Server 2003? The Active Directory replaces them. Now all domain controllers share a multimaster peer-to-peer read and write relationship that hosts copies of the Active Directory.
  8. How long does it take for security changes to be replicated among the domain controllers? Security-related modifications are replicated within a site immediately. These changes include account and individual user lockout policies, changes to password policies, changes to computer account passwords, and modifications to the Local Security Authority (LSA).
  9. What’s new in Windows Server 2003 regarding the DNS management? When DC promotion occurs with an existing forest, the Active Directory Installation Wizard contacts an existing DC to update the directory and replicate from the DC the required portions of the directory. If the wizard fails to locate a DC, it performs debugging and reports what caused the failure and how to fix the problem. In order to be located on a network, every DC must register in DNS DC locator DNS records. The Active Directory Installation Wizard verifies a proper configuration of the DNS infrastructure. All DNS configuration debugging and reporting activity is done with the Active Directory Installation Wizard.
  10. When should you create a forest? Organizations that operate on radically different bases may require separate trees with distinct namespaces. Unique trade or brand names often give rise to separate DNS identities. Organizations merge or are acquired and naming continuity is desired. Organizations form partnerships and joint ventures. While access to common resources is desired, a separately defined tree can enforce more direct administrative and security restrictions.
  11. How can you authenticate between forests? Four types of authentication are used across forests: (1) Kerberos and NTLM network logon for remote access to a server in another forest; (2) Kerberos and NTLM interactive logon for physical logon outside the user’s home forest; (3) Kerberos delegation to N-tier application in another forest; and (4) user principal name (UPN) credentials.
  12. What snap-in administrative tools are available for Active Directory? Active Directory Domains and Trusts Manager, Active Directory Sites and Services Manager, Active Directory Users and Group Manager, Active Directory Replication (optional, available from the Resource Kit), Active Directory Schema Manager (optional, available from adminpak)
  13. What types of classes exist in Windows Server 2003 Active Directory?
    • Structural class. The structural class is important to the system administrator in that it is the only type from which new Active Directory objects are created. Structural classes are developed from either the modification of an existing structural type or the use of one or more abstract classes.
    • Abstract class. Abstract classes are so named because they take the form of templates that actually create other templates (abstracts) and structural and auxiliary classes. Think of abstract classes as frameworks for the defining objects.
    • Auxiliary class. The auxiliary class is a list of attributes. Rather than apply numerous attributes when creating a structural class, it provides a streamlined alternative by applying a combination of attributes with a single include action.
    • 88 class. The 88 class includes object classes defined prior to 1993, when the 1988 X.500 specification was adopted. This type does not use the structural, abstract, and auxiliary definitions, nor is it in common use for the development of objects in Windows Server 2003 environments.
  14. How do you delete a lingering object? Windows Server 2003 provides a command called Repadmin that provides the ability to delete lingering objects in the Active Directory.
  15. What is Global Catalog? The Global Catalog authenticates network user logons and fields inquiries about objects across a forest or tree. Every domain has at least one GC that is hosted on a domain controller. In Windows 2000, there was typically one GC on every site in order to prevent user logon failures across the network.
  16. How is user account security established in Windows Server 2003? When an account is created, it is given a unique access number known as a security identifier (SID). Every group to which the user belongs has an associated SID. The user and related group SIDs together form the user account’s security token, which determines access levels to objects throughout the system and network. SIDs from the security token are mapped to the access control list (ACL) of any object the user attempts to access.
  17. If I delete a user and then create a new account with the same username and password, would the SID and permissions stay the same? No. If you delete a user account and attempt to recreate it with the same user name and password, the SID will be different.
  18. What do you do with secure sign-ons in an organization with many roaming users? Credential Management feature of Windows Server 2003 provides a consistent single sign-on experience for users. This can be useful for roaming users who move between computer systems. The Credential Management feature provides a secure store of user credentials that includes passwords and X.509 certificates.
  19. Anything special you should do when adding a user that has a Mac? “Save password as encrypted clear text” must be selected on User Properties Account Tab Options, since the Macs only store their passwords that way.
  20. What remote access options does Windows Server 2003 support? Dial-in, VPN, dial-in with callback.
  21. Where are the documents and settings for the roaming profile stored? All the documents and environmental settings for the roaming user are stored locally on the system, and, when the user logs off, all changes to the locally stored profile are copied to the shared server folder. Therefore, the first time a roaming user logs on to a new system the logon process may take some time, depending on how large his profile folder is.
  22. Where are the settings for all the users stored on a given machine? \Document and Settings\All Users
  23. What languages can you use for log-on scripts? JavaScipt, VBScript, DOS batch files (.com, .bat, or even .exe)

Partitions and Organizational Units

This section contains answers to questions and troubleshooting problems that are related to Active Directory Application Mode (ADAM) partitions and organizational units (OU).




Q. Can ADAM host Active Directory partitions?
A. No, ADAM cannot host Active Directory partitions. In addition, application directory partitions that are hosted in Active Directory cannot be replicated to ADAM. For information about how to synchronize data between Active Directory and ADAM, see “How do I synchronize data between Active Directory and ADAM?” later in this article.
Q. Why can’t I create OUs in ADAM?
A. By default, you can only create OUs under the following objects:

OU (ou=)
Country/region (c=)
Organization (o=)
Domain (dc=)

For example, you can create an OU in an application partition named o=Microsoft,c=US, but you cannot create an OU in an application partition named l=Microsoft,c=US.

Note: You can modify the possiblesuperiors attribute of the OU object class in the schema to modify the types of objects that can contain OUs.

Q. How do I add an application directory partition to ADAM?
A. You can use dsmgmt to add an application directory partition to an ADAM instance, as described in the following procedure.

To add an ADAM directory partition using dsmgmt:

1. Open an ADAM tools command prompt.
2. At the command prompt, type dsmgmt.
3. At the dsmgmt prompt, type partition management.
4. At the partition management prompt, type connections.
5. At the server connections prompt, type connect to server computername:portnumber, where computername:portnumber represents the ADAM instance to which you want to connect.
6. At the server connections prompt, type quit.
7. At the partition management prompt, type create nc app_dn objectclass computername:portnumber, where app_dn is the distinguished name of the application directory partition that you want to create, objectclass is the object class (for example, organization or container) that you want to use for the application directory partition, and computername:portnumber represents the ADAM instance on which you want to create the application directory partition.

For example, to create the application directory partition o=Microsoft,c=US, at the partition management prompt type:

create nc o=Microsoft,c=US organization localhost:389

Note: The attribute value assertion (for example, “o=” or “cn=”) that you specify at the beginning of the distinguished name for the new application directory partition must match the object class that you specify in objectclass.

The following lists shows the container types and matching object classes that can be used with dsmgmt to create application directory partitions in ADAM:

o=     Organization
cn=    Container
dc=    domainDNS
ou=    Organizationalunit
Q. Why can’t I create any objects in a new ADAM partition?
A. After you create a partition, you must unbind and rebind to ADAM. When you rebind, you will get the Administrator security IDs (SID) for the partition in your access token, and you will be able to create objects in the partition. ADAM performs token evaluation only on bind.


This section contains answers to questions and troubleshooting problems that are related to Active Directory Application Mode (ADAM) data.




Q. When I try to import an .ldf file, why do I receive an error message?
A. Make sure that you are using the version of Ldifde.exe that is provided with ADAM. The easiest way to ensure that you are using the correct version of Ldifde.exe is to start Ldifde.exe from an ADAM Tools command prompt. To open an ADAM Tools command prompt, click Start, point to All Programs, point to ADAM, and then click ADAM Tools Command Prompt.
Q. Do Ldifde.exe and Csvde.exe provide switches for ignoring errors?
A. In the versions of Ldifde.exe and Csvde.exe that are provided with ADAM, the -z switch forces the command to ignore errors during import. As an alternative, you can use the -k switch, which ignores only Constraint Violation and Object Already Exists errors.
Q. How do I synchronize data between Active Directory and ADAM?
A. You can use the Identity Integration Feature Pack for Microsoft Windows Server Active Directory—or a non–Microsoft synchronizing solution—to synchronize data between Active Directory and ADAM.

For information about obtaining the Identity Integration Feature Pack for Microsoft Windows Server Active Directory, see the Microsoft Identity Integration Server 2003 Web site.



start—->run—–>type  “%systemroot%\inf”

Locate—–>” IE.inf”

Right click and click install… will install IE6.0 in your system.


Method 2-:


go to the command prompt and locate the allready downloaded “ie6setup.exe” file

c:\location of the file>ie6setup.exe /q

run this command it will run the IE 6.0 setup…………………

After u can update this version for ie7……..ie8………..

Manish Kumar

It’s possible to simply disable USB ports support in PC BIOS in order to prevent and forbid computer user from using USB removable flash drive or mass storage device (portable hard disk drive) to copy and transfer data and files. However, disabling USB ports totally also shutdown the ability for system to use USB based keyboard, mouse, webcam, printer, scanner and etc, which has become a common connectivity norm in modern computer.

As a workaround, use the following registry hack to stop USB Mass Storage Device drivers from starting when the system boots up.

Run Registry Editor (regedit).
Navigate to the following registry key:

In the right pane, double click on the Start value name.
Change the value data to 4 to disable the removable USB mass storage device drive access.

To revert and re-enable the drive access for removable USB mass storage device driver, change back the value data for Start to its original default of 3.
The change will take effect immediately to block any USB mass storage device such as USB flash drive, USB key and portable harddisk from been used in the system, while still allowing hardware components to work properly via USB connection. The hack works in most Windows operating system such as Windows Vista, XP, Windows Server 2008, 2003 and 2000.

I launch ie and i get a message telling me that my active x controls are disabled. How do i re enable them?
answer: ie tools from menu bar -> internet options – advanced tab – >security —> follow on
question —-> if the button to customise the active x control is greyed out, why may this be?
answer: there may be a local machine or domain policy in place to diable any active x controls or insufficient permission to change.
*where do you enter the details for automatic config scripts in ie?
answer: ie tools from menu bar -> options -> connections tab-> settings
*my excel starts up, starts loading the plug-ins and freezes. How would you go about fixing this?
answer: press windows key + r to bring up the run dialog – or start then -> run type: excel /safe if excel starts in safe mode, then you can go through the administrative parts of the program to try and make necessary changes remove or disable plugins causing problem. Once done, exit excel and reboot the system then try running excel normally. Here is a good web site for excel i found helpful – > bo’s excel tips & tricks page 6
*if my blackberry stopped recieveing emails, how would you go about resolving this?
Answer-: question to person asking question? are we using the redirector or blackberry enterprise server or is there another service being used to relay messages? possible answers: if redirector – verify the service is started on the machine that is setup to forward messages to the clients if black berry enterprise server – verify all services on the for the black berry enterprise server are started and running – verify also all other clients are not getting messages – the server may just need to be restarted or rebooted… If this is an outside service verify there are not service outages or problems with the outside service provider if no problems with the outside provider it could be some other changes to the account settings for the client have changed in some way.
*what percentage of importance would you say customer service skills and technical skills have?
answer: 100% all the time they are equally important and essential in customer satisfaction and job preformance.
*how else (other than joining a pc to the domain) can i get the machine name in the domain
answer: ipconfig /all will display the host name – see explaination for – get mac address for machine.
My pst is corrupt and can not be repaired, what do you do?
answer: if scanpst does not work from outlook then there are some low cost 3rd party utilities that i have used to repair a corrupted pst – i would research and use on of these utilities to fix the problem.
Name another way of joining a pc to domain?
answer: right click on my computer – then properties – select the computer name tab – see: gateway support – joining a domain (for more detail)
a manager can not print to network printer but all other users can, what do you do?
answer: ask him to check of the printer is greyed out – or offline – to do this right go to start – then printers and faxes – click on printer to highlight – right click – verify printer is online and set for the default printer.
Whats the printer registry file name?
answer: printers additional answers: area used before printing actual print job? is spooler where jobs are spooled to the disk device before printing – server work spool locations can be found in the registry at hkey local machine -> system -> current control set -> control -> – print – defaultspooldirectory – this is where the key can be modified to change the print spooler to another disk drive or location – if needed, for preformance issuses or disk space issues.
What is the service used to print the jobs?
print spooler – if no one can print to any job – check the print spooler and verify it is running to do this go to start then run type the following in the run command line – services.msc – then look for the print spooler service – if it states running and no one can print – try stopping and restarting the service chances are it is hung up…
Name 5 reasons why a user might not be able to logon to the network?
answers: 1: verify tcp/ip settings are correct – computer may not have the same tcp/ip address as the current network to log on to – make sure you can ping the domain controller by name and ip addres also verify that you can ping the gateway address of the router. 2: check account could be locked out, disabled or password changed also check to be sure computer account is not disbled. 3: verify tcp ip stack is working – ping also verify network cable is pluged in and port is active. 4: verify there is not port security setup on switch this could stop a computer from logging on to the network if it was moved from one location to another.
a user has a laptop that runs fast on the network (at work) but slow at home? explain what could be the problem?
answer: the computer may be attemting to use resources or map resources that have been allocated or supplied by the domain – this could include any set policies for a machine or user. – tell the client to connect to the vpn and then see if the problem remains the same…

Low Leval Formatting

Low level formatting is a type of formatting where new track and sector are created after erasing old one. This type of formatting is very slow. Actually it is a outlining the track and sector of hard disk where actual data will be store and writing the control structures that define where the tracks and sectors are. After low level formatting data is permanently erased but from few software it is possible to recover data.

What are manageable and non manageable switches?
Switches which can be administered are calledmanageable switches. For example we can create VLAN for on such switch. On no manageable swiches we can’t do so.

What is Active Directory?
A central component of the Windows platform, Active Directory directory service provides the means to manage the identities and relationships that make up network environments. For example we can create, manage and administor users, computers and printers in the network from active directory.

What is DNS? Why it is used? What is “forward lookup” and “reverse lookup” in DNS? What are A records and mx records?
DNS is domain naming service and is used for resolving names to IP address and IP addresses to names. The computer understands only numbers while we can easily remember names. So to make it easier for us what we do is we assign names to computers and websites. When we use these names (Like the computer uses DNS to convert to IP address (number) and it executes our request.
Forward lookup: Converting names to IP address is called forward lookup.
Reverse lookup: Resolving IP address to names is called reverse lookup.
‘A’ record: Its called host record and it has the mapping of a name to IP address. This is the record in DNS with the help of which DNS can find out the IP address of a name.
‘MX’ Record: its called mail exchanger record. Its the record needed to locate the mail servers in the network. This record is also found in DNS.

What id DHCP? Why it is used? What are scopes and super scopes?
DHCP: Dynamic host configuration protocol. Its used to allocate IP addresses to large number of PCs in a network environment. This makes the IP management very easy.
Scope: Scope contains IP address like subnet mask, gateway IP, DNS server IP and exclusion range which a client can use to communicate with the other PCs in the network.
Superscope: When we combine two or more scopes together its called super scope.

What are the types of LAN cables used? What is a cross cable?
Types of LAN cables that are in use are “Cat 5” and “Cat 6”. “Cat 5” can support 100 Mbps of speed and “CAT 6” can support 1Gbps of speed.
Cross cable: Its used to connect same type of devices without using a switch/hub so that they can communicate.

What is the difference between a normal LAN cable and cross cable? What could be the maximum length of the LAN cable?
The way the paired wires are connected to the connector (RJ45) is different in cross cable and normal LAN cable.
The theoritical length is 100 meters but after 80 meters you may see drop in speed due to loss of signal.

What would you use to connect two computers without using switches? Cross cable. 7) What is IPCONFIG command? Why it is used?
IPCONFIG command is used to display the IP information assigned to a computer. Fromthe output we can find out the IP address, DNS IP address, gateway IP address assigned to that computer.

What is APIPA IP address? Or what IP address is assigned to the computer when the DHCP server is not available?
When DHCP server is not available the Windows client computer assignes an automatic IP address to itself so that it can communicate with the network cmputers. This ip address is called APIPA. ITs in the range of 169.254.X.X.
APIPA stands for Automatic private IP addressing. Its in the range of 169.254.X.X.

What is a DOMAIN? What is the difference between a domain and a workgroup? Domain is created when we install Active Directory. It’s a security boundary which is used to manage computers inside the boundary. Domain can be used to centrally administor computers and we can govern them using common policies called group policies.
We can’t do the same with workgroup.

Do you know how to configure outlook 2000 and outlook 2003 for a user?
Please visit the link below to find out how to configure outlook 2000 and outlook 2003.

What is a PST file and what is the difference between a PST file and OST file? What file is used by outlook express?
PST file is used to store the mails locally when using outlook 2000 or 2003. OST file is used when we use outlook in cached exchanged mode. Outlook express useds odb file.

What is BSOD? What do you do when you get blue screen in a computer? How do you troubleshoot it?
BSOD stands for blue screen of Death. when there is a hardware or OS fault due to which the windows OS can run it give a blue screen with a code. Best way to resolve it is to boot the computer is “LAst known good configuration”. If this doesn’t work than boot the computer in safe mode. If it boots up than the problemis with one of the devices or drivers.

What is RIS? What is Imaging/ghosting?
RIS stands for remote installation services. You save the installed image on a windows server and then we use RIS to install the configured on in the new hardware. We can use it to deploy both server and client OS. Imaging or ghosting also does the same job of capturing an installed image and then install it on a new hardware when there is a need. We go for RIS or iamging/ghosting because installing OS everytime using a CD can be a very time consuming task. So to save that time we can go for RIS/Ghosting/imaging.

What is VPN and how to configure it?
VPN stands for Virtual private network. VPN is used to connect to the corporate network to access the resources like mail and files in the LAN. VPN can be configured using the stepsmentioned in the KB:

Your computer slowly drops out of network. A reboot of the computer fixes the problem. What to do to resolve this issue?
Update the network card driver.

Your system is infected with Virus? How to recover the data?
Install another system. Insall the OS with the lates pathces, Antivirus with latest updates. Connect the infected HDD as secondary drive in the system. Once done scan and clean the secondary HDD. Once done copy the files to the new system.

How to join a system to the domain? What type of user can add a system to the domain?
Please visit the article below and read “Adding the Workstation to the Domain”

What is the difference between a switch and a hub?
Switch sends the traffic to the port to which its meant for. Hub sends the traffic to all the ports.

What is a router? Why we use it?
Router is a switch which uses routing protocols to process and send the traffic. It also receives the traffic and sends it across but it uses the routing protocols to do so.

Drive not opening in double click?


Sometimes it happens in windows XP that you are not able to open drives on your hard disk. When you double clicking on the drives icons or right click on the drive>>explore in My computer ,the drive does not open.

This problem is generally caused by most of the viruses which infect windows XP system. They block or restrict your access to any of the drives.

But don’t worry this is not a big trouble it can be fixed easily.


Normally when a virus infects a windows system which causes a drive opening problem, it automatically creates a file named autorun.inf in the root directory of each drive.

This autorun.inf file is a read only ,hidden and a system file and the folder option is also disabled by the virus. This is deliberately done by the virus in order to protect itself.  autorun.inf initiates all the activities that the virus performs when you try to open any drive.

You have to just delete this file and restart your system to correct this problem.

Unhidden all hidden files problem with Folder option?

lick Start/Run,type regedit then press Ok
Navigate to the following registry key:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advan ced\Folder\Hidden\SHOWALL

Now right click on,and delete the value “CheckedValue” in the right hand window.

Now create a new “DWORD Value” called exactly CheckedValue in the right hand window.
Double click on CheckedValue.
In the opening ‘Edit DWORD Value’ box,set the ‘Value data:’ to 1

Press Ok,exit regedit,restart your pc.

Follow the set of commands below to show and delete the autorun.inf

1. Open Start>>Run and type cmd and press enter. This will open a command prompt window. On this command prompt window type the following steps.

2. type cd\

3. type attrib -r -h -s autorun.inf

4. type del autorun.inf

5. now type d: and press enter for d: drive partition. Now repeat steps 3 and 4. Similarly repeat step 5 for all your hard disk partition.

Restart your system and your trouble will be fixed.

Amawas ki kaali raaton mein dil ka darwaja khulta hai,
Jab dard ki pyaali raaton mein gum ansoon ke sang hote hain,
Jab pichwade ke kamre mein hum nipat akele hote hain,
Jab ghadiyan tik-tik chalti hain, sab sote hain, hum rote hain,
Jab baar baar dohrane se saari yaadein chuk jaati hain,
Jab unch-neech samjhane mein mathe ki nas dukh jaati hain,
Tab ek pagli ladki ke bin jeena gaddari lagta hai,
Aur us pagli ladki ke bin marna bhi bhari lagta hai.

Jab pothe khali hote hain, jab har sawali hote hain,
Jab gazlen raas nahin aatin, afsane gaali hote hain.
Jab baasi feeki dhoop sametein din jaldi dhal jaata hai,
Jab suraj ka laskhar chhat se galiyon mein der se jaata hai,
Jab jaldi ghar jaane ki ichha mann hi mann ghut jaati hai,
Jab college se ghar laane waali pahli bus chhut jaati hai,
Jab beman se khaana khaane par maa gussa ho jaati hai,
Jab lakh mana karne par bhi paaro padhne aa jaati hai,
Jab apna manchaha har kaam koi lachari lagta hai,
Tab ek pagli ladki ke bin jeena gaddari lagta hai,
Aur us pagli ladki ke bin marna bhi bhari lagta hai.

Jab kamre mein sannate ki awaj sunai deti hai,
Jab darpan mein aankhon ke neeche jhai dikhai deti hai,
Jab badki bhabhi kahti hain, kuchh sehat ka bhi dhyan karo,
Kya likhte ho lalla dinbhar, kuchh sapnon ka bhi samman karo,
Jab baba waali baithak mein kuchh rishte waale aate hain,
Jab baba humein bulate hain, hum jaate hain, ghabrate hain,
Jab saari pahne ek ladki ka ek photo laya jaata hai,
Jab bhabhi humein manati hain, photo dikhlaya jaata hai,
Jab saare ghar ka samjhana humko fankari lagta hai,
Tab ek pagli ladki ke bin jeena gaddari lagta hai,
Aur us pagli ladki ke bin marna bhi bhari lagta hai.

Didi kahti hain us pagli ladki ki kuchh aukat nahin,
Uske dil mein bhaiya tere jaise pyare jasbat nahin,
Woh pagli ladki mere liye nau din bhooki rahti hai,
Chup-chup saare vrat karti hai, par mujhse kabhi na kahti hai,
Jo pagli ladki kahti hai, main pyar tumhi se karti hoon,
Lekin mein hoon majboor bahut, amma-baba se darti hoon,
Us pagli ladki par apna kuchh adhikar nahin baba,
Yeh katha-kahani kisse hain, kuchh bhi to saar nahin baba,
Bas us pagli ladki ke sang jeena fulwari lagta hai,
Aur us pagli ladki ke bhin marna bhi bhari lagta hai

कोई दीवाना कहता है कोई पागल समझता है
मगर धरती की बेचैनी को बस बादल समझता है,
मैं तुझसे दूर कैसा हुँ तू मुझसे दूर कैसी है
ये मेरा दिल समझता है या तेरा दिल समझता है !!!

समुँदर पीर का अंदर है लेकिन रो नहीं सकता
ये आसुँ प्यार का मोती है इसको खो नहीं सकता ,
मेरी चाहत को दुल्हन तू बना लेना मगर सुन ले
जो मेरा हो नहीं पाया वो तेरा हो नहीं सकता !!!

मुहब्बत एक एहसानों की पावन सी कहानी है
कभी कबीरा दीवाना था कभी मीरा दीवानी है,
यहाँ सब लोग कहते है मेरी आँखों में आसूँ हैं
जो तू समझे तो मोती है जो न समझे तो पानी है !!!

भ्रमर कोई कुमुदनी पर मचल बैठा तो हँगामा
हमारे दिल में कोई ख्वाब पला बैठा तो हँगामा,
अभी तक डूब कर सुनते थे हम किस्सा मुहब्बत का
मैं किस्से को हक़ीक़त में बदल बैठा तो हँगामा !!!

Bahut bikhra bahut toota thapede seh nahin paaya
Hawaaon ke isharon par magar main beh nahin paaya
Adhoora ansuna hi reh gaya yun pyar ka kissa
Kabhi tum sun nahin paaye, kabhi main keh nahin paaya !!!