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Cloning/migrating a VM using vCenter can turn out to be quite tricky.

when you finish the ‘Clone Virtual Machine’ wizard and try to power on the new VM.

It might not start! I received this error: “Thin/TBZ disks cannot be opened in multiwriter mode”, and the new VM would not start.

After a bit of searching and fiddling around.

Right-click the VM and click ‘Edit Settings’ to bring up the Virtual Machine Properties dialog. Now change the SCSI Controller’s ‘SCSI Bus Sharing’ policy from ‘Virtual’ to ‘None’.

Now try to power on your virtual machine.  It will work fine.




IF you want to enable Multiwriter mode, Please follow the given steps.



login as: root
root@’s password:
Access denied
root@’s password:
Last login: Fri Jun 24 12:40:03 2011 from
[root@ESX06 ~]# ls
ks.cfg  old_cores
[root@ESX06 ~]# cd /v
var/      vmfs/     vmimages/ vmware/
[root@ESX06 ~]# cd /vm
vmfs/     vmimages/ vmware/
[root@ESX06 ~]# cd /vmfs/
[root@ESX06 vmfs]# ls
devices  volumes
[root@ESX06 vmfs]# cd volumes/
[root@ESX06 volumes]# ls
4e007bf3-4d7df0f4-f367-00145e57edb0  datastore1
4e034ee1-44fe69e3-3678-0015172e90ec  Datastore2
[root@ESX06 volumes]# cd datastore1/
[root@ESX06 datastore1]# ls
CLUSNODE1-STAGING                                   iso
clusnode1-staging-176                               labman
clusnode2-staging-144                               VLabMan
clusstorage                                         vmlab.iso
[root@ESX06 datastore1]# cd clusnode2-staging-144/
[root@ESX06 clusnode2-staging-144]# ls
clusnode2-staging-144-flat.vmdk  clusnode2-staging-144.vmxf  vmware-6.log
clusnode2-staging-144.nvram      vmware-2.log                vmware-7.log
clusnode2-staging-144.vmdk       vmware-3.log                vmware.log
clusnode2-staging-144.vmsd       vmware-4.log
clusnode2-staging-144.vmx        vmware-5.log
[root@ESX06 clusnode2-staging-144]# ls -a
.                                clusnode2-staging-144.vmsd  vmware-4.log
..                               clusnode2-staging-144.vmx   vmware-5.log
clusnode2-staging-144-flat.vmdk  clusnode2-staging-144.vmxf  vmware-6.log
clusnode2-staging-144.nvram      vmware-2.log                vmware-7.log
clusnode2-staging-144.vmdk       vmware-3.log                vmware.log
[root@ESX06 clusnode2-staging-144]#
[root@ESX06 clusnode2-staging-144]# vmkfstools –eagerzero clusnode2-staging-144.vm
clusnode2-staging-144.vmdk  clusnode2-staging-144.vmx
clusnode2-staging-144.vmsd  clusnode2-staging-144.vmxf
[root@ESX06 clusnode2-staging-144]# vmkfstools –eagerzero clusnode2-staging-144.vmdk
Eagerly zeroing: 100% done.





This is really a challenging task to get through.

When I was trying to import the the privet key it was un-exportable at the time of its configuration.

The tab to export is also blured and I was not able to go ahead with that as indicated on “TechNET” of  Microsoft.

If the Privet key is exportable then you can export it from here-:

Run—mmc—ad remove snap ins—select CERTIFICATE—computer account—local computer—-OK—OK—Certificate (local computer)—-personal—-Certificate—-right click to the desired certificate and export it.

NOTE-: If the privet key will be exportable then the option to export privet key will be highlighted.

Suppose the privet key is not exportable then there is a utility Name or we can say a tool which will give you to export the privet from the local system even if the key is not exportable.

you must have to follow this link  to to get the utility downloaded (jailbreak.exe).

This will provided the your exactly the same Management console to export the Privet but the only difference will be this,

You will be enabled to to export the privet key.

Some time the utility might be consider as a virus on your system by your esteemed anti virus program because it tries to fetch the information from the place where, no any external service is allowed.

For this remedy we only requir to disable our anti virus for the time being to do the activity and after that we can re-enable that anti virus.

That`s it all around,

Thanking you friends,


Manish Kumar

To share an internet connection of a laptop that is already connected to a WIFI. Note that you do not need any IP-addresses here.

Step 1

connect your laptop to the WIFI provider.

Step 2

Run the internet connection wizard

Step 3

At the internet connections options, choose the third option that says “make a home network or connect to a small office network.

Step 4

click next next next bla bla bla until you reach a window that shows your current WIFI connection do not forget to click or check the box that says “ignore the disabled network equipment”

Step 5

From the next window, choose the first option. This option configures your Laptop as a server thereby allowing internet connection sharing. click next next next bla bla bla until you are prompted to restart your computer. When your computer is restarting, you will receive a message that a gateway will be created for this connection, answer “YES” and that is all.

Step 6

As for the second computer, connect it to the Laptop by a twisted pair cable (RJ-45+CAT5 cable). Step 7 Switch on the computer and repeat Step 1 to Step 4. In Step 5, choose the second option.

this configures the second computer as a client to the Laptop.

Step 8

click next next next bla bla bla until you are prompted to restart your computer. As soon as the restart is done, you second computer should browse the internet without any clicking. Enjoy !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This guide shows you how to create a Windows Vista powered web server using IIS7, MySQL, and PHP (WIMP). I know, I know, a WIMP server doesn’t sound too appealing. Trust me, this server is far from a wimp and will blow your socks off if you provide the right hardware.

Note: This is a generic WIMP server that’s capable of running WordPress, PHPbb, and other popular PHP and MySQL powered web sites. You might have to change a few things to get your WIMP server running just right depending on your usage.

The Limitations
Before you go too far you need to know that IIS7 running on Windows Vista is full featured with a few limitations.

Before you right this type of server off because it’s limited you need to realize if you ever reach one of the limitations you’ll have so much traffic you could probably buy an actual server with one day’s pay from the web site.

The Limitations

Request Execution Limit: IIS7 running on Windows Vista Basic, Starter, Home, and Home Premium have a Request Execution Limit of 3. Vista Ultimate is limited to 10. Request Execution Limit is how many simultaneous pages the web server can give out at one time. That means Vista Basic, Starter, and Home editions can serve up to 259,200 pages per day and Ultimate can serve up to 864,000 pages per day!
FTP: FTP is very limited. You can only download files as anonymous. No uploading via FTP to your web server. If this is a problem, check out the FileZilla FTP Server.
Install IIS7
First thing first, we need to install a web server.

Open the Control Panel in classic view.
Double-click Programs and Features.
Click Turn Windows features on or off on the left.
Check off Internet Information Services.
Expand Internet Information Services, World Wide Web Services, Application Development Features, and then check off ISAPI Extensions. ISAPI will be needed later when we install PHP.

Click OK to install IIS7.
When the Windows Features box disappears IIS7 is installed and should be running. Test IIS7 by going to http://localhost in your web browser. You should see an IIS7 test page like the screenshot below.

The root of the default web site is located at C:\inetpub\wwwroot. Your web site goes there.

Install PHP
Now that we have a web server we need support for PHP. In this example I’m installing PHP 5.2.4.

Create a folder called php in the root of the C: drive.
Download the Windows Binaries Zip package from
Extract the files and save them in the php folder you just created.
Copy C:\php\php.ini-dist and save it on your desktop so we can work with it.
Rename php.ini-dist you just copied on your desktop to php.ini.
Right-click php.ini and select Edit.
Search for extension=php_mysql.dll and uncomment it by deleting the ; in front of it. This allows php to login a MySQL database.
Now move up in the php.ini code and look for extension_dir = “./”. Change “./” to “C:\php\ext”. This shows php where to load the extension=php_mysql.dll extension you just uncommented.
Save php.ini.
Copy php.ini and save it in C:\Windows.
Open the IIS Manager by typing IIS Manager in the Start Menu’s search box and click Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager in the search results.
Double-click Handler Mappings.
Click Add Script Map located on the right.
Fill out the Add Script Map window like the screen shot below.

Click OK to save the changes.
Click Yes in the window that asks you if you want to enable this ISAPI extension.
Click the back button in the IIS Manager and then double-click Default Document.
Type index.php, with a space behind , in the File names list.
Click Apply on the top right of IIS Manager.
Now you need to copy libmysql.dll from C:\php and save it in C:\WINDOWS\System32. Thanks for the fix Oruba.
Lets test to make sure php is installed and running correctly.

Open notepad.
Type in the blank document.
Note: Remove the space between < ? in . I had to add the space so the command doesn’t execute on this page.

Save it as test.php on your desktop and then move it to C:\inetpub\wwwroot.

Note: A common mistake when saving test.php is to save it as test.php.txt. Don’t forget to select All files under Save as type and then name the file test.php in notepad.

Go to http://localhost/test.php. You should get a php information page similar to the screen shot below.

Install MySQL
Before we can install MySQL we need to disable UAC in Windows Vista.

Open the Control Panel in classic view.
Click User Accounts.
Click Turn User Account Control on or off.
Uncheck Use User Account Control and then click OK.
Restart your computer.
Note: You can turn UAC back on after everything has been installed and working.

Now we can install MySQL. In this example I’m going to install MySQL Community Edition 5.0.45.

Download the Windows ZIP/setup.exe version
Unzip it and save setup.exe on your desktop.
Run Setup.exe.
The welcome window will popup. Click Next.

Since this is a general guide on creating a WIMP server leave Typical selected and click Next.

Let MySQL install in its default directory by simply clicking Install in this window.

Click Next to move through a few advertisements.
Leave Configure the MySQL Server now checked and click Finished.

Note: It seems some versions other than 5.0.45 of MySQL silently errors out during installation. I’m not sure if this is a bug or not but Dustin has provided a great fix in the comments.

Click Next at the welcome window.

I’m assuming that you don’t need to configure any advanced MySQL settings. If you did you probably wouldn’t need this guide or you should leave this job to an expert. Select Standard Configuration and then click Next.

Leave Install As Windows Service, the service name MySQL, and Launch MySQL Automatically checked and click Next.

Type the MySQL administrator (root) password twice and then click Next.

This part is VERY important. Hold your mouth just right, cross your fingers and click Execute to configure MySQL. If you did it just right you should get 4 check marks when it’s done.

Note: If you get a Connection Error, click Retry and it should work. This is caused by a slower computer not starting the MySQL service fast enough.

Click Finished.
Now that you have MySQL installed and running lets install the GUI Tools to make managing databases easy.

Download the GUI Tools (Windows x86) at
Install it just like any other software.
Click Start, All Programs, MySQL, MySQL Administrator.
Fill in the fields just like the screen shot below.

Remember: Root’s password is the one you set when you installed MySQL.

Once MySQL Administrator is open, you can create a new database by clicking Catalogs and then right-clicking under test and select Create Schema.

Give it a name and there you go!
Open Port 80
Now that you have a working WIMP lets open it up to the world. All internet (HTTP) traffic passes through port 80. Let’s open port 80 to the world.

Search for firewall in the search box in the Start Menu and click Windows Firewall in the search results.
Click the Exceptions tab in the Windows Firewall Settings window.

Click the Add port button.
Type HTTP as the name and 80 as the port number.

Adjust Vista for Web Server Performance
Because Windows Vista is not meant to be a server out of the box its priorities are backwards when it’s being used as a web server. Windows Vista prioritizes programs like Word before background services like IIS7 to give the end user the best experience possible. Since we’re configuring Windows Vista as a web server background services need to be Vistas priority instead of programs.

Let’s set Windows Vista’s services as a higher priority than programs to squeeze the most speed out of it as we can.

Right-click Computer in the Start Menu and then select Properties.
Click Advanced system settings.
Click Settings under Performance in the Advanced tab of the System Properties window.
Click the Advanced tab in the Performance Options window.
Select Background services.
Click OK and then restart your computer.

Troubleshoot..if you are configuring PHP using silver strip(flush and rebuild database cashe).

This error is a generic IIS error produced so that potential users don’t get detailed information on the sites architecture.

In order for me to get more details on the actual issue, the site needs to be set in development mode. To do this you need to find the file ss_environment.php in the parent directory of the web root. change the first line of this config to say ‘dev’ rather than ‘live’.

After you have done this, you should try re-building the site’s database. Do this by appending /dev/build/?flush=all to the end of the beta site’s URL.

You should get a page similar to screenshot-1.png (attached).

Once this has happened, then try re-visiting the homepage. If you still get an error please screen shot it and then send that over. I will have a look.

Once you have done all this, please ensure that you set ss_environment.php config back to ‘live’, this is VERY important.


I personaly faced this issue in one of my domain controller. This is highily in satiable for all techies.

I searched a lot on internet for the ramedy bu all was in vain. No one came with me to help me out to overcome this really critical issue.

After strugling a lot, I decided my self to take it as a challange to me and solve the problem without formating the server.

The approach to find out the excat problem started from basic concept of networking OSI model.

In my research it was confirmed that the problem was due to virus attack on the server. NIC driver uninstall and installetion does not solve the issues.

Here are the steps to solve the problem simply….

1. Scan your system with all available updated anti virus and please insure there is no any virus remaining in the system at all.

2. Uninstall all softwars, that is not required for long.

3. Uninstall all antivirus programs from the computer along with unnecessary tools and patches provided by internt FREE.

4. Download “CCleaner” (A software availabel on net for free) to clean your systems temp files crom all locations and registry as well.

5. Restart the system and uninstall CCleaner as well.

6. Again shutdown the system and repair the Operating syste.

Problem will definetly be resolve. If you need some more clarification, please revert on this post.


Manish Kumar

A bootable flash drive can come in handy–but trying to create one might have you pulling out your hair. Windows expert Manish Kumar shares the method to create Bootable pen drive. You have to take some steps only once. Next time when you will create your bootable… will be able to do it in a hurry “woooooooooooooo…………..

If you want to download the detailed information about this Please follow the given link.

1. Configure the BIOS to allow the USB port to act as a bootable device.
2. Create a bootable image of Windows XP using the free PE Builder software. Link is giving below.

Download PE-Builder
3. A pair of Windows Server 2003 SP1 files to formatting and copying the image onto a UFD (pen drive).

The ability to boot Windows XP from a USB Flash Drive (UFD) offers endless possibilities. For example, you might make an easy-to-use troubleshooting tool for booting and analyzing seemingly dead PCs. Or you could transport your favorite applications back and forth from home to work without having to install them on both PCs.
However, before you can create a bootable UFD, you must clear a few hurdles. You saw that one coming didn’t you?
The first hurdle is having a PC in which the BIOS will allow you to configure the USB port to act as a bootable device. The second hurdle is having a UFD that that will work as a bootable device and that’s large enough and fast enough to boot an operating system such as Windows XP. The third hurdle is finding a way to condense and install Windows XP on a UFD.
If you have a PC that was manufactured in the last several years, chances are that its BIOS will allow you to configure the USB port to act as a bootable device. If you have a good quality UFD that’s at least 512 KB and that was manufactured in the last couple of years, you’ve probably cleared the second hurdle. And once you’ve cleared those first two hurdles, the third one is a piece of cake. All you have to do is download and run some free software to create the bootable UFD.
I’ll start by showing you how to determine whether your PC’s BIOS will support booting from USB and explain how to configure it to do so. Then, I’ll show you how to download and use the free software to create a bootable UFD running Windows XP Professional.
The UFD hurdle
You probably noticed that I didn’t mention how to determine if your UFD would support being configured as a bootable device, except that it must be a good quality unit of recent manufacture. Well, I’ve discovered that when it comes to the actual UFD, you’ll just have to try it and see what happens. As long as you have a PC with a BIOS that will allow you to configure the USB port to act as a bootable device and you have configured the installation correctly, it should work. If it doesn’t, you probably have a UFD that can’t boot.
I tested three UFDs on two new computers and had mixed success. First, I attempted to use a 128 MB PNY Attache but received an error message that said “Invalid or damaged Bootable partition” on both PCs. Next, I tried a 1GB Gateway UFD and it worked on both PCs. Then, I tried a 256 MB Lexar JumpDrive Pro and it worked on only one of the PCs. You can find lists of UFD brands that others have had success with on the Internet.
Checking the BIOS
Not every new BIOS will allow you to configure the USB port to act as a bootable device. And some that do allow it don’t make it easy. On one of my example systems, it was a no-brainer. On the other, the UFD had to be connected to the USB port before it was apparent that I could configure it as a bootable device. Let’s take a closer look.
On the test system with a PhoenixBIOS version 62.04, I accessed the BIOS, went to the boot screen, and found that USB Storage Stick was one of the options. I then moved it to the top of the list, as shown in Figure A, thus making it the first device to check during the boot sequence. (This particular BIOS also allowed me to press the [F10] key during the boot sequence and select any one of the available bootable devices, so it really wasn’t necessary to move it to the top.)

The settings on the Boot Screen of the PhoenixBIOS made it a no-brainer to select the device.
On the test system with an AMI BIOS version 2.59, I accessed the BIOS, went to the Boot Sequence screen, and didn’t find a USB boot option, as shown in Figure B. I then went one step further and checked the Hard Disk Drives screen and still didn’t find a USB boot option.

A USB boot option didn’t appear on the Boot Sequence screen.

The Hard Disk Drives screen only showed the SATA hard disk.
I then plugged a UFD into the USB port, booted up the system, and accessed the BIOS. When I checked the Hard Disk Drives screen, the UFD appeared in the list and I could select it as the first drive.

With the UFD plugged into the USB port, I could configure the UFD as a bootable device.
When I returned to the Boot Sequence screen, the UFD was indeed set as the first bootable device (Figure E).

As the Boot Sequence screen indicates, the UFD was set to be the first bootable device.
Rounding up the software
To condense and install Windows XP on a UFD, you’ll need a program called PE Builder by Bart Lagerweij. You’ll also need two files from the Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 1. And of course, you need to have a Windows XP Professional CD.
You can download PE Builder from Bart’s Web site. At the time of this writing, the most current version of PE Builder was 3.1.10a.
You can download Windows Server 2003 SP1 by following the link in the Knowledge Base article “How to obtain the latest service pack for Windows Server 2003.” Be sure to get the 32-bit version!
Keep in mind that at 329 MB, Windows Server 2003 SP1 will take some time to download. And although you need just two small files, the only way to get them is to download the entire package.

Do not run the Windows Server 2003 SP1 executable file! Doing so will completely corrupt Windows XP. We will use a set of special commands to extract the two files and then delete the rest of the package.
Preparing the software
Installing PE Builder is quick and easy. Just run the installation program and follow the onscreen instructions. To make things simpler, I installed the program in the root directory in a folder called PEBUILDER3110a.
Once PE Builder is installed, you’ll need to create a folder in C:\PEBUILDER3110a called SRSP1, as shown in Figure F. This is the folder in which PE Builder will look for the extracted Windows Server 2003 SP1 files.

Once PE Builder is installed, you’ll need to create folder called SRSP1 in C:\PEBUILDER3110a.
Now, you can begin extracting the two needed files from Windows Server 2003 SP1. When you download the Windows Server 2003 SP1, the executable file will have a long name: WindowsServer2003-KB889101-SP1-ENU.exe. To save on typing, you can rename the file to something shorter, such as WS-SP1.exe.
To begin, open a Command Prompt window and use the CD command to change to the folder in which you downloaded the Windows Server 2003 SP1 executable file. I downloaded the file to a folder called Downloads. Now, to extract the files contained in SP1, type the command
WS-SP1.exe -x
You’ll immediately see a dialog box that prompts you to select a folder in which to extract the files and can type the name of the same folder, as shown in Figure G. Click OK to proceed with the extraction procedure. When the procedure is complete, just leave the Command Prompt window open.

You can extract the files into the same folder containing the Windows Server 2003 SP1 executable file
The extraction procedure will create a subdirectory called i386 and extract all the Windows Server 2003 SP1 files there. Use the CD command to change to the i386 folder and then copy the setupldr.bin file to the SRSP1 folder with the command:
copy setupldr.bin c:\pebuilder3110a\srsp1
Expand the ramdisk.sy_ file to the SRSP1 folder with the command:
expand -r ramdisk.sy_ c:\pebuilder3110a\srsp1
These three steps are illustrated in Figure H.

You’ll copy and expand the two necessary files to the SRSP1 folder.
Now, using Windows Explorer, verify that the two necessary files are in the SRSP1 folder, as shown in Figure I. Once you do so, you can delete all the Windows Server 2003 SP1 files.

You’ll want to verify that the setupldr.bin and ramdisk.sys files are in the SRSP1 folder.
Running PE Builder
Now that you’ve extracted the necessary files from the Windows Server 2003 SP1 package, you’re ready to use PE Builder to create a compressed version of Windows XP. To begin, place your Windows XP Professional CD into the drive and hold down the [Shift] key to prevent Autostart from launching the CD. Then, launch PE Builder.
In the Source field on the main PE Builder screen, simply type the letter of drive in which you put the Windows XP Professional CD, as shown in Figure J. Make sure that the Output box contains BartPE and that the None option is selected in the Media Output panel. Then, click the Build button.

Fill in the Source field on the main PE Builder screen.
As PE Builder compresses Windows XP Professional into a bootable image, you’ll see a detailed progress dialog box. When the operation is complete, as shown in Figure K, click the Close button.

PE Builder displays a detailed progress report.
Preparing the UFD to boot Windows XP
At this point, you’re ready to format and copy the Windows XP Professional bootable image to the UFD with the BartPE USB Installer. To do so, open a Command Prompt window and use the CD command to change to the pebuilder3110a folder. Then, insert your UFD into a USB port and take note of the drive letter that it is assigned. On my example system, the UFD was assigned drive E.
Now, type the command
pe2usb -f e:
You’ll then be prompted to confirm this part of the operation, as shown in Figure L. While the operation is underway, you’ll see progress indicators.

You’ll be prompted to confirm that you want to format your UFD.
Once the BartPE USB Installer finishes its job, you’ll be prompted press any key to exit the program. Now you can use your UFD to boot your computer into the BartPE interface for Windows XP, as shown in Figure M.

The BartPE interface provides you with a pared down version of Windows XP.
You can find a list of specialized applications on Bart’s Web site, which you can install on your UFD as Plugins. For example, you can find such things as Firefox or McAfee command-line virus scanner.

Booting Windows XP from a UFD requires that your PC’s BIOS support booting from USB and that you have a UFD that can be formatted as a bootable device. If you can meet these two requirements, all you need is PE Builder, a couple of files from the Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 1, and a little effort to configure a UFD to boot the BartPE interface to Windows XP.

If you want to download the detailed information about this Please follow the given link.

XP Remote Desktop-: Concerned document has also been updated on the site. For any additional support please contact -:


If you plan on using remote desktop to connect to your office computer, you’ll need to be certain to use port 3489 instead of the default.

Check to make sure no other firewall (such as Zone Alarm) or antivirus programs are running that would potentially block a connection whenever you use Remote Desktop.

Office Computer Setup

Remote Machine Setup/Connection

Office Computer Setup (or machine you want to connect to)

Find out your IP address:
You need to know the IP address of the computer you want to connect to via remote desktop. On the computer you want to find the IP address of (probably your office system), do the following:

1. Go to Start> and click Run.

2. Type cmd when the Run box pops up and click OK.

3. Once you get the DOS prompt type ipconfig /all

4. You will see the IP Address that is assigned to your computer.

Check Your Firewall Settings:
If the Windows XP firewall is enabled on your computer, you need to make sure to check that remote desktkop is checked to pass through it. If you use another firewall product, you must make sure that access to port 3389 (or if access is needed from off-campus, use port 3489 — see the section on Setting up Ports) via TCP is allowed. Following are the steps for enabling remote desktop if you are using the Windows XP firewall.

1. Go to Start and right click on My Network Places and click on Properties .

2. Right click on Local Area Connection and go to Properties

3. Click on Advanced and make sure that Internet Connection Firewall is checked, then click on Settings.
Note:If you are using Windows XP Service Pack 2, then refer to this page for slightly different screenshots.

4. On Services check Remote Desktop then click OK.

Enable Remote Desktop Access:
Once you have done that you need to enable the Remote Desktop. In order to do that following steps are necessary.

1. Go to Start and right click on My Computer and go to Properties.

2. Click on Remote and check Remote Assistance and Remote Desktop.

3. Once you check that box the following message will appear. Since we have already enabled the remote connection, just click OK.

4. Click OK.

Setting Up Remote Desktop Ports:

NOTE: You’ll need to make sure that you use Port 3489 instead of the default Port 3389 in order to Remote Desktop into any ME Machine from off campus. You’ll also need to submit a request to Computer Support to have OIT allow remote desktop access to your machine from outside of the ME firewall.

(NOTE: If you are located in the MARC building, please use this form.)

If you use another firewall product (such as ZoneAlarm or Linksys router), you must make sure that access to port 3489 via TCP is allowed.

To do this, please read the following:
1. If you are running Windows XP Service Pack 2, go to Start -> Control Panel -> Windows Firewall. Then click on the Exceptions Tab. Click on “Add Port…”. Otherwise, you’ll need to contact the ME Computer Support at 404-894-7193.

2. Type the name as “Remote Desktop Alternate port” and put in the port number “3489”. The option for TCP should also be checked. Then click on “Change scope…”.

3. Make sure that the scope of “Any Computer” is checked.

4. Click OK to each window, which will save these settings. Go ahead and close Control Panel. Now you’ll need to change the default port in the Registry. To do this, go to Start -> Run.

5. Type “regedit” in the command prompt. Click OK.

6. This should bring the Registry Editor up. You’ll need to browse through to several different directories, so please make sure you’re at the correct step before continuing.

Browse to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE -> System -> CurrentControlSet -> Control

7. You’ll need to scroll down a little of the left panel to find the next directory.

Continue browsing to TerminalServer -> WinStations -> RDP-Tcp. Then click on PortNumber on the right pane.

8. Then go to Edit -> Modify.

9. Click the Decimal Option and then change the port number listed on the left to “3489”. Then click OK.

10. Close the Registry Editor and your port settings. Reboot your computer for the changes to take effect.

Port Request

If you have not done so already, or remote access was not configured when the firewall was first installed, be sure to fill out the Firewall Change Request Form requesting access to your IP Address on port 3489 from off campus.

When you email us the Firewall Change Request Form, you will need to also email us a copy of the ports that are currently listening on your computer. One method of doing this is to use Microsoft’s TCPView software. You can use this software to save the information to a text file. Alternatively, you’ll need to do the following:

1. Go to Start -> Run.

2. Type in cmd and click OK.

3. This will bring up the Command Prompt. Then type in the following: netstat -ano

4. This will list the ports that are currently listening on your computer.

5. You can either take a screen capture of this by hitting the “Print Screen” button on your keyboard and pasting the image into a Paint document, or you can put this into a text file. To do this, you would instead type the following: netstat -ano > netstat.txt

6. The text file can then be found in the directory shown on the command prompt. For example, for the previous example, netstat.txt would be found in C:\Documents and Settings\mfrank\. Please be sure to attach either the screen capture or the text file with your Firewall Change Request Form.

When filling out this form, the Destination IP will be your office computer (ie. the computer you want to remote desktop into). The Source IP should be the computer that will be accessing the office machine. If you are using DHCP at home (such as the GT LAWN) and your IP changes, then you will want to make the Source IP the world.

(NOTE: If you are located in the MARC building, please use this form.)

Return this to the We are also located at MRDC 2103.

Remote Machine Setup

NOTE: Since remote desktop takes control of the machine that you remotely connect, whenever you make changes on your office machine from home it will automatically change on your office computer when you log in the next time.

1. Go to Start –> Accessories –> Communication and click Remote Desktop Connection.

2. Click on Options.

3. Type the IP address:3489 of your office computer. Also, type your username, password and domain of your office computer if it is on a domain (example: ME_ADMIN).

NOTE: You’ll need to have your IP Address followed by :3489 in order to successfully remote desktop to your Office Computer. If you have not yet changed your Port on your Office computer, please see the steps above under Setting Up Remote Desktop Ports


4. If you do not want sound click Local Resources and scroll down the Remote Computer Sound menu and choose Do not play. If you want to be able to copy files from your remote desktop hard drive to your local hard drive, check Disk Drive.

5. Click on Experience and scroll down menu from Performance to choose your computer connection speed. To get the best speed performance you should choose Modem (28kbps or 56kbps).

If you choose a different connection speed, such as LAN, your screen will look something like these:

You will remotely connect to the office computer from home or vice versa.

6. If you would like to create a shortcut of the connection on your desktop go to General again and click on Save As. You can use this shortcut to connect without modifying the settings each time you connect remotely.

7. Type the File name and choose the Desktop directory or any location where you want to create the shortcut. Click on Save and the shortcut will be created on the desktop or the location that you chose.

Logging out vs. closing the remote desktop window:

  • If you choose to log out of the machine you are connected to you will actually be logging out of the remote machine. Programs running on the remote machine will close.
  • If you just close the remote desktop window, the remote machine will remain logged in at the state you left it until the next time you log in remotely or at the machine. i.e. programs running will still be running.


Try this command at a command prompt on the client machine:
telnet remoteIPmachineaddress 3489
where remoteIPmachineaddress is your office machine IP address.

If the command window goes blank with just a flashing underscore then you are connecting like you should be.
If you get “Could not open connection to the host, on port 3489: Connect failed” then something is not set up right or a firewall is blocking access. It could be a firewall at the GT border, or it could be a firewall on your desktop.
Recheck the firewall settings on your office computer and also to make sure that remote desktop is turned on.

If the telnet test above does not work remotely, try it on another machine at the office. If it does, then try connecting to your office machine from another computer in your office to see if it works. That will help determine if it’s a problem with your office machine, a border firewall, or a client problem.

For further assistance, contact ME computer support at

I have made a lot of attempts to get a solution on the NET…but  did not find any thing that could provide me a complete coverage on Apache server configuration at all.

I am a web admin and want to go a long way with the profile, there fore, I want to make this  world (Internet) secure and easy for new comer.

Besides with some boring lines written above……… is the solution finally.

First yo have to enable your Fedora to login by root through GUI… To do so. Please follow these steps.

Type your root password. Next, make a backup of /etc/pam.d/gdm, enter:
cp /etc/pam.d/gdm /root
Now open /etc/pam.d/gdm using gedit or vi text editor, enter:

vi /etc/pam.d/gdm

to insert  in vi- press i

pass all comands in vi- use :

save and exit the file in vi- :wq

Alternatively, you can do everything in a one command:

su -c 'vi /etc/pam.d/gdm'

Find line that read as follows:

auth required user != root quiet

Remove or comment out line by prefixing #.
# auth required user != root quiet

Save and close the file. Logout from terminal and from GUI itself.
Now you should be able login as root user using GDM GUI login manager.

how to activate apache in fedora


if you want to activate apache in fedora the method is quite different from ubuntu. In ubuntu I usually use this

command sudo apt-get install apache2

and when I type http://localhost in firefox the apache message appear and I can use apache afterwards.

But if you use fedora 10 then here is the method. firstly you have to install this package

[root@lexserve html]# yum install php php-devel php-gd php-imap php-ldap php-mysql php-odbc php-pear php-xml php-xmlrpc php-eaccelerator php-magickwand php-magpierss php-mapserver php-mbstring php-mcrypt php-mhash php-mssql php-shout php-snmp php-soap php-tidy curl curl-devel perl-libwww-perl ImageMagick libxml2 libxml2-devel

then after you had finish with the installations you have to edit the file in

[root@kamsis html]# vim /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf

after you have open the file, look for the line starting with DirectoryIndex and change it into this line

DirectoryIndex index.html.var index.html index.htm index.shtml index.cgi index.php index.php3

after you have save the changes then you need to configure the apache so it will start during boot time with command like this

[root@kamsis html]# chkconfig –levels 235 httpd

on and then start your apache

[root@kamsis html]# /etc/init.d/httpd restart

now if you type

http://localhost in firefox then the apache’s message will appear and you have succesfully install apache in fedora 10.

It might be create problem to access the server from the network. To resolve the issue you have to configure your Firewall settings.

login with the user-:root

System–administration—-firewall—-close any window apears——–click the wizard and configure it to default———-and check the www and wwws for the trusted services.

IF THere is a problem In fedora 10 Network configuretion then follow this…..

Fixed IP

Generally speaking, for fixed IP network configurations, it is recommended to switch to using the old “network” service, rather than using “NetworkManager”. By default, Fedora 10 disables the “network” service in preference to using “NetworkManager”, therefore NetworkManager will need to be disabled before enabling and configuring the network service.

To disable NetworkManager, issue the following commands (as root or superuser):

  • /etc/init.d/NetworkManager stop
  • chkconfig NetworkManager off

Once NetworkManager has been turned off and disabled, you now have to configure the network. Unfortunately, to date (8th/Dec/2008) there is a bug with system-config-network (GUI Version) in which it incorrectly stores the network mask as the default gateway address. See bug, therefore it is highly suggested to use the text base program (system-config-network-tui) for configuring the network settings.

To configure the network, simply do the following:

  • As root or superuser, issue the command “system-config-network-tui
  • Select “Edit a device params” and hit Enter
  • Select appropriate network device, generally it should be the device eth0 then hit enter

-: Pressing the CTRL while closing Explorer window seems to be just a temporary

permanent Solution is to edit the registry.

Delete the Registry keys

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Shell\Bags and
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Shell\BagMRU, both with
all the subentries, then create new keys “BagMRU” and “Bags” here. At
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\ShellNoRoam create a new
DWORD entry
BagMRU Size
and set this to
5000 (decimal)
Restart the computer. Re-setup your folders.

-Manish Kumar

IIS6.0 Overview.

Hello friends,

Accept my Greetings!!!

Please check the link in Right upper corner with the name “IIS6.0 Overview” . This will download a IIS overview presention file for you.

I am working as a Web server administrator. You will regularly get update on this page about IIS related troublshootings.

Page making is on progress


Manish Kumar
